Wednesday, March 26, 2008
so depressed for my class, 1e3. at the camp, EVERYONE said that we are the MOST enthu class ever. now lehh? one tiny little friendship day competition also no one wants to volunteer. minimum one entry per class but now, NONE. how?! little things like that don't cooperate. next time have big events then we will die out.where's our class spirit?all the enthus, where had it gone to? be more enthu will you? just
one person and everything will be fine! just
O-N-E volunteer. totally heart broken~
lost all hopes for the class... why did things turn out this way?
u love mi,i love you 9:08:00 PM
paisehh.. loong time no post. quite busy.. got my report book back. was not so ideal though. failed 3 1st test..... but the others + test 2s passed. goin 2 work harder!! JIAYOU! i lyk handling 3 bloggiies. one my own blog, the other 6 peace blog and 1e3 blog.. =,=ll
u love mi,i love you 3:11:00 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
u love mi,i love you 11:51:00 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
happiie holidays everyone!! got tons of homework waitin to be completed>.< JIAYOU!!
u love mi,i love you 12:43:00 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
突然, 特别怀念。。。才华那一天,我们在台上努力演出,他们,在台下为我们打气。突然好想,好想,再一次有这样的感觉。。。再听到belinda唱歌,再听到我和嘉嘉吹曲子,再听到黄老师她精心精力地要我们提高自己的水准。好想好想,再一次回到那一刻,永远在那一刻,让时间停留,就算是我们死癞着不走,就算是被老师狠狠地骂。我,也不再在乎了。突然,好像念2007年的六和。。。他们,还好吗?我决定痛快地哭一场。虽然说是痛快地哭,但到最后往往是自己一个人,默默地流泪。。。
u love mi,i love you 12:06:00 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
hihi..long time no post~went to kbox on 27th Jan.. with ms bong and few of 6peace classmates.... we were high.. especially qiaohan and zhanhao.. LOl. we went to AMK hub after tt.. shop until siao.. LOl
u love mi,i love you 10:00:00 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sianz.. dunno how 2 do the geography homework. Waiting for help!! Got to know some classmates' names like Kimberly, Hui Wen, Peishan, Yitian, Dongyi, Jian nan, Hung Ying, Kelly etc.. hope to know more!
u love mi,i love you 4:47:00 PM